Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs – Feast Day – June 2 2023

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Today is Thursday, August 29, 2024

St Marcellinus was a priest and St Peter was an exorcist.

They were beheaded and died as martyrs in the year 304 AD during the Diocletian Persecutions.

Pope Damasus I said that when he was a child, he heard their story directly from those who killed them.

We celebrate their feast day on June 2 every year in the Catholic Church.

Saints Marcellinus and Peter Biography
Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs - Feast Day - June 2 2023
Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs – Feast Day – June 2 2023
Date of Birth 3rd Century AD
Country of Birth Italy in Europe
Profession Marcellinus was a Priest and Peter was an exorcist
Place of Work Rome
Date of Death 304 AD
Place of Death Rome, Roman Empire
Feast Day June 2
Canonization Pre-Congregation

Saints Marcellinus and Peter Life History

Pope Damasus I stated that he received the account of these two martyrs directly from the person who had executed them, and who subsequently converted to Christianity.

Pope Damasus I said that Magistrate Severus, the executioner, told the two saints to clear the place of their execution which was a thicket overgrown with thorns, brambles, and briers.

This spot was far away from the road, about three miles from Rome. He beheaded and buried them there so that their bodies could neither be seen nor buried well and later venerated by other Christians.

There were two women named Lucilla and Firmina who were assisted by divine revelation to find the bodies.

They accorded them a decent burial on the Via Labicana near the body of St. Tiburtius. The Via Labicana is in modern-day known as the Catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter.


The catacomb of Saints Marcellinus and Peter is located “at the two laurel trees” at the third mile of the Via Labicana. This site became a place of pilgrimage. Emperor Constantine the Great built a basilica on that spot.

The names of Marcellinus and Peter were embedded into the Roman Canon. They are read in the First Eucharistic Prayer during Mass until today.

Saints Marcellinus and Peter Feast Day

The feast day is celebrated on June 2 every year in the Catholic Church.

Today’s Catholic Quote:

The two saints happily cleared the spot chosen for their death: a thicket overgrown with thorns, brambles, and briers three miles from Rome. They were beheaded and buried in that spot

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