This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is September 5 2024.
👉 Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Blessed Maria Velotti
Saint Albert of Butrio
Blessed Florent Dumontet de Cardaillac
Saint Giuse Hoàng Luong Canh
Blessed William Browne
Blessed Gerbrand of Dokkum
Blessed Gentilis of Toringa
Saint Phêrô Nguyen Van Tu
Saint Anseric of Soissons
Blessed John the Good of Siponto
Blessed Jordan of Pulsano
Blessed Jordan was a Benedictine monk in Pulsano, Italy. He was a spiritual student of Saint John of Pulsano. He became an Abbot-general of Pulsano from 1139 AD to 1152 AD and died of natural causes in 1152 AD.
Saint Romulus of Rome
St Romulus of Rome was a member of the imperial Roman court of Emperor Trajan.
In 112 AD, he was immediately arrested, executed, and died as a martyr in Rome, Italy after speaking out against the persecution of Christians.
Saint Alvitus of León
St Alvitus of León is related to Saint Rudesind. He was a Benedictine monk at Sahagun, Spain, and Bishop of León, Spain in 1057 AD.
He transferred the relics of Saint Isidore from Seville, Spain to León and died in 1063 AD.
Saint Genebald of Laon
St Genebald of Laon was a relative of Saint Remigius of Rheims. He was the Bishop of Laon, France. He sentenced himself to seven years of continuous penance because of some unnamed fault he had committed. He died of natural causes in 555 AD.
Saint Victorinus of Amiterme
St Victorinus of Amiterme was a sixth-century bishop of Amiterme, Italy. He was hanged upside down and lasted three days, and died as a martyr near Rome, Italy.
Blessed Anselm of Anchin
Blessed Anselm of Anchin was a monk and an Abbot of the monastery of Anchin. He died of natural causes in 1088 AD and miraculous healings have been reported at his tomb.
Saint Victorinus of Como
St Victorinus was the Bishop of Como, Italy who fought Arianism. He died of natural causes in 644 AD.
Saint Obdulia
St Obdulia was a nun. Her relics are venerated in Toledo, Spain.
Saint Charbel
Saint Charbel was martyred in 107 AD during the persecutions of Trajan.
Martyrs of Armenia
The Martyrs of Armenia are a group of up to 1,000 Christian soldiers in the 2nd-century imperial Roman army of Trajan, stationed in Gaul.
They were ordered to sacrifice to pagan gods but they refused and were transferred to Armenia. They were ordered again to sacrifice to pagan gods but they adamantly refused again. They died as martyrs.
Three of their names are;
- Eudoxius
- Macarius
- Zeno
Martyrs of Capua
The Martyrs of Capua are three Christians who were martyred together in Capua, Italy. They have been venerated in Capua, Italy for a long time.
Their names are;
- Arcontius
- Donatus
- Quintius
Martyrs of Nicomedia
The Martyrs of Nicomedia are a group of 80 clergymen, Christians, and lay who were martyred together in the persecutions of Valens.
In 370 AD, on the shore of Nicomedia, Bithynia in modern-day Turkey, they were locked on a boat which was then set on fire
Three of their names are;
- Menedemo
- Teodoro
- Urbano
Martyrs of Porto Romano
The Martyrs of Porto Romano are a group of Christians martyred together in 180 AD at Porto Romano, Italy during the persecutions of Marcus Aurelius.
Some of their names are;
- Aconto
- Herculanus
- Nonno
- Taurino
Other Saints of the Day for September 5 2024
- Deceased Friends and Benefactors of the Dominicans
- Marchese of Altessano

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