This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is September 1 2024.
👉Saint Giles
Blessed Giuliana of Collalto
Blessed Douceline of Digne
Saint Lupus of Sens
Exiles of Campania
Saint Nivard of Reims
Blessed Giovanna Soderini
Saint Terentianus of Todi
Saint Firminus the Younger
Blessed Colomba of Mount Brancastello
Saint Firminus the Younger
Joshua the Patriarch
Abdon the Judge
Ibzan the Judge
Blessed Giustino of Paris
Saint Regulus
Saint Victorious of Le Mans
Saint Verena of Zurich
Saint Constantius of Aquino
Our Lady of Montevergine
Saint Sulien of Amorica
Saint Sinicius of Reims
Saint Aegidius of Sansepolcro
Saint Arcanus of Sansepolcro
Saint Sixtus of Reims
St Sixtus of Reims was also known as Sixte or Xystus. He was the first bishop of Reims, France, serving from 270 AD to 280 AD, and worked with Saint Sinicius of Reims. In 280 AD he died of natural causes.
Abigail the Matriarch
Abigail was a Jewish laywoman and Old Testament matriarch. She was born in 1000 BC and was the wife of King David.
She is one of the seven women considered as prophets by Talmudic scholars. She died in 950 BC and her story is related in the Bible in the book of 1st Samuel.
Saint Priscus of Capua
St Priscus of Capua was also known as Prisco. He was the first bishop of Capua, Italy. He was assigned this role by Saint Peter the Apostle. In 66 AD he was martyred in the persecutions of Nero.
Blessed Simone Ponce
Blessed Simone Ponce was a Mercedarian friar born in Spain. He was assigned to the Andalusia region of modern Spain.
While in his mission, he suffered abuse from the Moors, but still managed to free 137 Christians enslaved by Muslims. In 1359 AD, he died of natural causes
Saint Ambrosinian of Armenia
St Ambrosinian of Armenia was also known as Ambrosinien or Ambrosinia. He was a Bishop from southern Armenia who came to France at an unknown time.
The parents of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux highly respected him and consequently dedicated a chapel to him.
After his death, his relics were enshrined in the cathedral of Langres, France.
Blessed Luigi Conciso
Blessed Luigi Conciso was a Mercedarian friar and a doctor of theology. He wrote a number of books about the Mercedarians.
He was assigned to Algiers in North Africa where he freed 88 Christians who had been enslaved by Muslims. He died in 1372 AD.
Saint Vincent of Xaintes
Saint Vincent of Xaintes was also known as Vincent of Dax or Vincent of Aquae Augustae. He was born in Toledo, Spain.
He was the first bishop of Dax, France, and worked with Saint Laetus of Dax. He died as a martyr in the 5th century and is the patron saint of Dax, France.
Saint Arealdo of Brescia
St Arealdo was killed by invading Lombards and died as a martyr together with his sons Carillo and Oderico in 576 AD in Brescia, Italy.
After his death, his relics were enshrined in the cathedral in Brescia in 1305 AD but were later transferred to the cathedral crypt on June 8 1614.Â
Blessed Giles of Castaneda
Blessed Giles of Castaneda was a Spanish Benedictine Cistercian monk. He was the Abbot of the monastery of San MartÃn de Castaneda, diocese of Astorga, Spain.
He retired, during his old age from community life and lived as a prayerful hermit. In 1203 AD, he died of natural causes.
Saint Anea of Como
St Anea of Como died in Rome, Italy as a child martyr. His remains were interred in the catacombs of Rome but later transferred to the church of San Croce in Como, Italy in 1700 AD.
Saint Laetus of Dax
St Laetus of Dax was a deacon in the diocese of Dax, France, and worked with Saint Vincent of Xaintes. He died in the 5th century AD.
Saint Agia
St Agia was also known as Aia or Aye. She was married and was the mother of Saint Lupus of Sens. She later became a widow and died in the 6th century AD.
Saint Lythan
St Lythan was also known as Llythaothaw. In Wales, the are two churches dedicated to him.
Twelve Holy Brothers
The Twelve Holy Brothers are Also known as Martyrs of the South. They are a group of martyrs who in 303 AD died at various places in southern Italy.
Their relics were brought together and enshrined in Benevento, Italy as a group in 760 AD.
One tradition describes Saint Boniface of Hadrumetum and Saint Thecla of Hadrumetum as their parents.
Their names are;
- Saint Vitalis of Velleianum
- Saint Septiminus of Venosa
- Saint Sator of Velleianum
- Saint Sabinian of Potenza
- Saint Repositus of Velleianum
- Saint Januarius of Venosa
- Saint Honoratus of Potenza
- Saint Fortunatus of Potenza
- Saint Felix of Venosa
- Saint Felix of Sentianum
- Saint Donatus of Sentianum
- Saint Arontius of Potenza
Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War
These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.Â
Their names are;
- Blessed Tomás Galipienzo Perlada
- Blessed Simó Isidre JoaquÃm Brun ArarÃ
- Blessed Pio Ruiz De La Torre
- Blessed Pedro Rivera y Rivera
- Blessed Pedro Meca Moreno
- Blessed Nicolás AramendÃa GarcÃa
- Blessed Miquel Roca Huguet
- Blessed Maximiano Fierro Pérez
- Blessed Mariano Niño Pérez
- Blessed Manuel Mateo Calvo
- Blessed Julian Villanueva Alza
- Blessed Juan José Egea RodrÃguez
- Blessed Josep Samsó y Elias
- Blessed José Prats Sanjuán
- Blessed José Franco Gómez
- Blessed JoaquÃn Ruiz Cascales
- Blessed Joaquim Pallerola Feu
- Blessed Isidro Gil Arano
- Blessed Guillermo Rubio Alonso
- Blessed Francesc Trullen Gilisbarts
- Blessed Enrique López y López
- Blessed Crescencio Lasheras Aizcorbe
- Blessed Carmen Moreno BenÃtez
- Blessed Antonio Villanueva Igual
- Blessed Antonio Lorca Muñoz
- Blessed Andrés Iniesta Egea
- Blessed Amparo Carbonell Muñoz
- Blessed Alfonso Sebastiá Viñals
- Blessed Alejandro Cobos Celada
- Blessed AgustÃn Navarro Iniesta

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