St Padre Pio Prayer and Novena

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Today is Wednesday, March 19, 2025

St. Padre Pio, a beloved and revered saint, is known for his profound faith, miraculous healings, and unwavering devotion to God.

In this prayer and novena, we seek the intercession of St. Padre Pio, entrusting our intentions to his powerful prayers before the throne of God.

With hearts open to his spiritual guidance, we embark on this nine-day journey of prayer, seeking his assistance and heavenly intervention in our lives.

With great reverence, we join countless others in calling upon St. Padre Pio’s intercession, trusting in his ability to bring our petitions to the Divine and to offer us comfort and strength on our spiritual path.

St Padre Pio Prayer

May the compassionate presence of Jesus Christ bring solace and relief amidst all your hardships.

May He extend His aid in moments of peril, safeguarding you with His unceasing grace, and guiding you towards the path of everlasting redemption.

May His Divine Heart cherish you continually and may you grow ever more worthy of the blessings of eternal paradise. Amen.

Padre Pio Healing Prayer

Beloved Padre Pio, Today I approach you with my prayer, joining the countless prayers offered to you each day by those who hold you in deep love and veneration.

They seek your intercession for physical and spiritual healing, blessings in various aspects of life, and inner peace.

Your close connection with the Lord enables you to bring healing to those you implore Him to heal and to grant forgiveness to those you pardon.

Having borne the visible wounds of the Cross for five decades, you were chosen in our era to glorify the crucified Jesus.

As symbols other than the Cross have gained prominence, we beseech your guidance to reintroduce it into our lives, recognizing it as the sole true sign of salvation.

As we fondly contemplate the wounds that pierced your hands, feet, and side, we not only recall the blood you shed in pain but also your radiant smile and the intangible aura of fragrant blossoms that enveloped you, the scent of holiness.

In your benevolence, please assist me with my own specific request: (include your request here)

Bless me and my dear ones. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Padre Pio Miracle Prayer

Blessed St. Pio, I humbly approach you today, acknowledging your extraordinary ability to work miracles. Knowing your close relationship with Jesus, I seek your prayers for the following intentions: (state your intentions here).

In the words of Pope John Paul II, I beseech you, glorious and humble Padre Pio, to teach us the virtue of humility, enabling us to become like the little ones mentioned in the Gospel, to whom the Heavenly Father reveals the mysteries of His Kingdom.

Grant us the grace to pray unceasingly, trusting that God knows our needs even before we articulate them.

Help us develop a deep faith that allows us to see the countenance of Jesus in the faces of the poor and suffering.

Provide comfort and solace during times of trouble and trial. When we stumble, grant us the joy of the sacrament of forgiveness.

Instil within us a tender devotion to Mary, the Mother of Jesus and our own Mother. Walk alongside us on our earthly journey as we strive toward our blessed eternal home, where we hope to forever behold the glorious splendour of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Novena Prayer to Padre Pio

The following prayer and novena was recited daily by Padre Pio for all who sought his intercession:

I. Lord Jesus, as You have proclaimed, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Here I am, knocking and seeking, humbly requesting the grace of (your request).

Our FatherHail MaryGlory be to the Father
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my complete trust in You.

II. O Lord Jesus, You have assured us, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do.” In Your name, I implore the Father for the grace of (your request).

St Padre Pio Prayer and Novena
St Padre Pio Prayer and Novena

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be to the Father…
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my complete trust in You.

III. Beloved Jesus, Your words echo with unwavering truth, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Inspired by Your unchanging promises, I now seek the grace of (your request).

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be to the Father…
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my complete trust in You.

Blessed Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose compassion for the afflicted knows no bounds, have mercy on us poor sinners and bestow upon us the grace we seek.

We implore this through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender mother and ours as well.

Hail, Holy Queen… St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us. Amen.

Prayer for Padre Pio Intercession

Majestic God, you graciously bestowed upon your servant, Padre Pio, an abundance of gifts from the Holy Spirit.

You adorned his body with the wounds of Christ’s Crucifixion, serving as a powerful reminder of your Son’s redemptive Passion and Death, and inspiring countless individuals with the eternal mercy, forgiveness, and love you bestow.

Lord, in the confessional, Padre Pio tirelessly laboured for the salvation of souls. Through his fervent intercession, many experienced healing from afflictions and diseases.

Endowed with the gift of discernment, he discerned the secrets of people’s hearts. Father, from the blood of his wounds, emanated a heavenly fragrance, a remarkable sign of your divine presence.

With reverence and profound devotion, he celebrated daily Mass, leading numerous men and women into a deeper communion with Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

Through the intercession of Saint Pio, I approach you with unwavering confidence, imploring you to grant me the grace of (state your petition here).

Help me emulate his exemplary life of prayerful sanctity and compassionate service. Lord, may I faithfully follow the Risen Lord and one day rejoice in your everlasting Kingdom, where you reign forever and ever. Amen.

Padre Pio Prayer After Communion

Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have You present so that I do not forget You. You know how easily I abandon You.

Stay with me Lord, because I am weak, and I need Your strength, so that I may not fall so often.

Father, stay with me Lord, for You are my life, and without You, I am without fervour.

Stay with me Lord, for You are my light, and without you, I am in darkness.

Lord, stay with me Lord, to show me Your will.

Stay with me Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You.

Stay with me Lord, for I desire to love you very much, and always be in Your Company.

Blessed Father, stay with me Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You.

Stay with me Lord, for as poor as my soul is, I want it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of Love.

Stay with me, Jesus, for it is getting late, and the day is coming to a close, and life passes, death, judgment, and eternity approach.

It is necessary to renew my strength, so that I will not stop along the way and for that, I need You. It is getting late and death approaches.

I fear the darkness, the temptations, the dryness, the cross, the sorrows. O how I need You, my Jesus, in this night of exile.

Stay with me Lord, because, at the hour of my death, I want to remain united to you, if not by Communion, at least by grace and love.

Lord, stay with me Jesus, I do not ask for divine consolation because I do not merit it, but the gift of Your presence, oh yes, I ask this of You.

Stay with me Lord, for it is You alone I look for, Your Love, Your Grace, Your Will, Your Heart, Your Spirit, because I love You and ask no other reward but to love You more and more.

With a firm love, I will love You with all my heart while on earth and continue to love You perfectly during all eternity. Amen.

Padre Pio Powerful Prayer

Loving Father, we entreat You for an unwavering faith and complete reliance on Your infinite mercy, as well as the strength to embrace the burdens and sufferings that bring profound goodness to our souls and to Your Church.

Lord, guide us to love You with a heart that is pure and contrite and to humbly embrace Your cross, as we journey towards the summit of holiness, carrying our own cross that leads to celestial glory.

Father, may we receive You in Holy Communion with profound faith and love, allowing You to work in us as You desire for the greater glorification of Your name.

Lord Jesus, most beloved Heart, the eternal wellspring of Holy Love, may our prayer find favour before the Divine Majesty of Your heavenly Father.

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus By Padre Pio

Blessed Heart of Jesus, overflowing with eternal love, sorrowful due to my ingratitude, wounded by my sins, yet continuing to love me; I offer myself completely to You, surrendering all that I am and all that I possess.

Direct every aspect of my soul and body, and draw me steadily, day after day, closer to Your Sacred Heart. There, as I am able to comprehend, instruct me in Your divine ways. Amen.

Short History

Padre Pio is also known as Saint Pio of Pietrelcina. He was a friar, priest, stigmatist, and mystic.

Padre Pio was also venerated as a saint later on. He became famous for exhibiting stigmata for most of his life.

This generated much interest and dispute, he was however both beatified and canonized by Pope John Paul II.

Due to his faith and close relationship with God, there are a lot of people who say Padre Pio’s prayer as they try to emulate him and his steadfast faith.

Born Francesco Forgione, he got the name Pius after joining the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. He studied for his priesthood in the friary of Saint Francis of Assisi in Umbria.

At the age of 17, he fell ill, it was around this time that he began displaying some mysterious phenomenon. Those close to him say they saw him in a state of ecstasy and levitating above the ground.

In June 1905 his health got worse, so much so that his superiors sent him to a mountain convent. They thought the change in the air might do him good.

When it did not happen however the doctors advised him to go back home. But even after returning home, he did not get better.

Military Service

When World War 1 broke out some ministers were called into military service. He was not called initially but when the army needed another minister he was drafted.

Due to his poor health, he served on and off and was eventually discharged as unfit for service. All in all his military service lasted for 182 days.

After War

After the war people began looking to him as a symbol of hope. Those close to him would attest that he began to develop various spiritual gifts.

They include; healing, bi-location, levitation, prophecy, miracles, and extraordinary abstinence from both sleep and nourishment.

He also displayed the ability to read heats, the gift of tongues, the gift of conversions and he also had pleasant smelling wounds.

He became a very well-known priest, and later a spiritual leader. At this point, he gave five rules for spiritual growth;

  • Weekly confession
  • Daily communion
  • Spiritual reading
  • meditation
  • Examination of conscience

However in 1922 the new Pope at the time Pope Pius XI was sceptical of his abilities. He accused his fellow companions of collaborating on his story to drum up followers and funds.

There were numerous investigations ordered by the church. However, by 1933 the same pope started supporting him and would even advise people to go see Padre Pio.

By 1934 he was once again allowed to perform public mass, which he had been ordered to stop while he was under investigation.

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