As Christians, we need to put God first in everything that we do. We need to communicate not only our gratitude but also ask for guidance as we go through our day.
We can do this by saying a prayer for guidance. In this prayer, we ask our Heavenly Father to help us choose the right path as we go through our day. Some great prayers for this are:
Prayer for Guidance 1
Dear Lord, I come before you this morning, asking for guidance and providence from you. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.
Help me today to learn the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
You said just like the birds of the air, we should not worry about tomorrow for you are our provider and protector if we believe in you and follow your teachings.
Lord, I ask for guidance, guard, protect and govern me, my loved ones and my friends today so that the evil one does not influence us negatively or harm us.
I pray all these through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. Amen.

Prayer 2
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You very much for assuring me of Your perpetual guidance. Thank You for guiding me when I am asleep, awake, at work, at school and when I am on the move.
Today, I bank on that promise and pray that You will continue showing me the right path to follow towards accomplishing the goals You have lined up for me.
Lord, sometimes I feel inadequate in terms of ideas, thoughts, and willpower while I am carrying out my day-to-day activities.
But I know that through Your guidance and abundant graces, You will turn my inadequacies into the zeal and zest that will produce fruits in plenty in Your vineyard.
Dear Lord, guide me from walking in dangerous and sinful paths. May I see Your saving hand every time I get corrected from wrong and help me to acknowledge my mistakes, sins, transgressions and wrongdoings.
Father, I will always praise and glorify You for the rest of my life because You are my creator, provider, protector and my refuge. I pray all these through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
Prayer for Guidance When in Trouble
Our Loving Father, I come before You today for Your divine guidance and help for I am in trouble. Lord, I need Your guidance and helping hand to steer away from the sinful and corrupt path and come back to the right and just path that leads to You.
Dear Lord, my weary and troubled heart is seeking a solution for this [state your problem] problem that is weighing me down.
Come to my rescue Dear Lord and take away this problem from me so that I can be able to continue serving You in my day-to-day activities.
My God, I endeavour to remain attached to You, just like the branches have to remain attached to the vine to bear good fruits and in plenty.
Continue dear Lord, pouring upon me Your providence, wisdom, mercies, love and graces so that I can serve You to the best of my abilities. Thank you, Lord, for listening to my humble prayer. Amen.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit for Guidance
Almighty Father, in the Name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I know and acknowledge that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
My faith in You Oh Lord is made effective by recognizing that You are always present in my life every day. Continue guiding me, guarding me and illuminating my mind, Oh Lord, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Loving Lord, I repent all my sins and pray against the temptation of sin. I pray that I do not blasphemy the Holy Spirit because that is a cardinal sin that can push the Holy Spirit away from me. I pray that the Holy Spirit guides me to discover You more and embrace Your teachings.
Dear Lord, as I fully submit to the Holy Spirit, I know that my tracks are commanded by You. I surrender myself fully to Your protection, guidance and governance, knowing that You to make my thoughts to be in sync with Your Holy Will so that my plans for today will be successful.
Father, I trust in You with all my heart and soul and pray that You direct me in Your Holy paths of righteousness.
Heavenly Father, help me to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit follow it and reject the voice of the false stranger. Lord, I feel so blessed in my belief in the Holy Trinity. Amen.
Prayer for Family Guidance and Protection
Blessed Lord, I ask for guidance and protection for my family, friends, and I. The people I love are suffering every day from a lot of illnesses and problems.
Dear God, I pray for my loved ones who are suffering that You embrace them with Your Guidance and Protection so that they may live happily and peacefully.
Dear Lord, we are struggling with personal issues and I ask that You protect and guide me and everyone else so that we may live free from any physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional problems. Father, I believe that everyone has a purpose on this earth and I want everyone to fulfil that purpose and live happy doing it.
Lord, I also want to pray for forgiveness on my behalf. I have honestly been ungrateful, dishonest, disobedient, and unfaithful to you Lord.
Father, I miss-used you and I want to humbly apologize for that. I pray that you will forgive me and help me improve the way I’ve been living, and live comfortably, happily, and healthy.
Father, You have given me so many Chances and I failed you again. I’m trying to stay on track and stay focused but there are things that distract me from my duties.
Help me Father, and guide me in the right path to a better lifestyle. That way I’m able to influence others positively and be able to show them the right way to life. In your name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Guidance in A Relationship
Our Heavenly Father, I and my spouse come before you with humble and contrite hearts, asking for Your guidance in our relationship.
We know that we have sinned against You and we are begging for Your forgiveness, mercy and love. Help us to serve You by making our union become an example to be emulated by others.
Lord, guide and help us to continue loving one another and to always treat each other with love and respect. Help us to exercise patience with each other and give us the wisdom and knowledge to guide each other in Your ways. Amen.
Prayers for Guidance in Decision Making
Almighty God, we come to you on this day to give thanks for Your eternal love and to ask for your guidance in this great decision that has to be made.
Lord, help us to understand what You want in this situation and aid us in executing Your will. Help us realize that this decision is in Your hands, even if we are unsure. In Your Name we trust. Amen.
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