This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day falls on December 21 2024.
👉 Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church
Blessed Anton Durcovici
Saint Anrê Tran An Dung
Blessed Dominic Spadafora
Saint Phêrô Truong Van Thi
St Phêrô Truong Van Thi, also known as Peter Thi, Peter Thi Van Truong Pham, or Pietro Truong Van Thi, was a priest in the apostolic vicariate of West Tonkin.
He served in the missions alongside priests from the Foreign Mission Society of Paris. During the persecutions under Minh-Meng, he was imprisoned and repeatedly tortured.
He ultimately died as a martyr, alongside Saint Andrew Dung Lac. Born around 1763 in Ke So, Hanoi, Vietnam, Saint Phêrô Truong Van Thi was beheaded on December 21, 1839, in Ô Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam.
He was canonized by Pope John Paul II on June 19, 1988, and is also remembered on November 24 as one of the Martyrs of Vietnam.
Saint Anastasius II of Antioch
St. Anastasius II of Antioch was born in the 6th century. He was also known as Anastasius II the Younger. He was a bishop of Antioch, Syria in 599. He fought simony in his diocese with the support of Pope Gregory the Great. He was murdered by a mob during an uprising of Syrian Jews against Emperor Phocas who was trying to force conversions and because he died in anti-Church violence, he is considered a martyr. He died in 609.
Saint Glycerius of Nicomedia
St Glycerius of Nicomedia has a memorial on December 28 as one of the 20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia. He was a priest at Nicomedia, Asia Minor (in modern Turkey).
He was arrested and tortured in the persecutions of Diocletian. When he was offered a release if he would denounce his faith, he declined.
He died as a martyr after being burned at the stake in 303 AD in Nicomedia, Bithynia (modern Izmit, Turkey).
Blessed Daniel of the Annunciation
Blessed Daniel of the Annunciation was also known as Daniele dell’Annunziata. He was a Mercedarian monk at the monastery of Santa Maria della Pace in Naples, Italy.
A staunch defender of the freedom of the Church from state control and of his Order.
He was known for personal piety and strict adherence to his Order’s rule and orthodox Christian doctrine.
Saint Baudacarius of Bobbio
St Baudacarius of Bobbio was also known as Baudacharius. He was a benedictine monk in Bobbio, Italy.
He was in charge of the monastery’s vineyard and 30 brothers were assigned to help him.
Legend says that once he ran nearly out of food to feed them, but prayed for help and was able to feed them all from a single cooked duck.
He died in 650 AD due to natural causes and his relics were interred in the abbey of Saint Colombano, Emilia Romagna, Bobbio, Italy in 1483 AD.
Blessed Sibrand of Marigård
Blessed Sibrand of Marigård was born in the late 12th century AD in the Netherlands. He was also known as Sibrandus or Siebrandus.
He was a Premonstratensian monk and a canon of the Mariengaarde monastery in Friesland (in modern Netherlands).
He was an abbot of the house in 1230 AD. He was known for his scholarship and personal piety.
He established comprehensive education for his brothers and required the study of the Church fathers. He died on December 21 1238 due to natural causes.
Saint James of Valencia
St James of Valencia was born in Valencia, Spain. He joined the Mercedarians at age 27 at El Puig, Spain.
He was noted for an austere personal life and ministry to the poor. He was sent to Algiers to ransom some prisoners where he decided to preach Christianity in a synagogue.
He died as a martyr after being stoned to death in 1362 AD in Algiers.
Saint Themistocles of Lycia
St Themistocles of Lycia was a shepherd at Myra, Lycia. He was martyred because he would not tell the authorities where St. Dioscorus was hiding during the persecution of Valerian.
He was beheaded and died in 253 AD. He is the representation of shepherds with iron caltrops nearby.
Blessed Adrian of Dalmatia
Blessed Adrian of Dalmatia was also known as Hadrian. He was a thirteenth-century Dominican missionary.
He was martyred by Muslims along with 27 companions whose names are not known. He died in Dalmatia.
Blessed Bezela of Göda
Blessed Bezela of Göda was born in the late 10th century AD in Germany. She was the mother of St. Benno of Meissen.
She died in the mid-11th century in Göda, Saxony, Germany of natural causes,
Saint John Vincent
St John Vincent was born in Ravenna in Italy. He was a benedictine monk at St. Michael of Chiusa where he built a church.
He was a hermit on Monte Caprario and a bishop. He died in 1012 AD due to natural causes.
Saint Beornwald of Bampton
St Beornwald of Bampton was also known as Berenwald or Byrnwald.
He was an eighth-century priest who was venerated at Bampton, England.
Saint Dioscorus
St Dioscorus was a companion of St Themistocles of Lycia. He was martyred in the persecution of Valerian.
He was beheaded and died in 253 AD.
Saint Severinus of Trier
St Severinus of Trier was a bishop of Trier in modern Germany. He died in 300 AD.
Saint John of Tuscany
St John of Tuscany was martyred with St. Festus. He was honoured in Tuscany, Italy.
Saint Festus of Tuscany
St. Festus of Tuscany was a martyr honoured in Tuscany, Italy.
Other Saints of the Day for December 21 2024
- Peter Friedhof
- Domenico Spadafora of Randazzo
- Peter of Moscow
Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

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