This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is January 17 2025.
👉 Saint Anthony of Egypt, Abbot
Blessed Teresio Olivelli
Blessed Rosalina of Villeneuve
Saint Jenaro Sánchez DelGadillo
Blessed Enrico Comentina
Blessed Gamelbert of Michaelsbuch
Our Lady of Pontmain
Saint Sulpicius of Bourges
Saint Julian Sabas the Elder
Blessed Beatrix of Cappenberg
Saint Nennius
St Nennius was also known as Nennidhius, Ninnidh, and Ninnaid. He was born into a noble family in Ireland.
He was in his early life drawn to religious life and he became a spiritual student of Saint Fiechus of Leinster and of Saint Finnian of Clonard.
He later became a hermit on Inis-muighe-samb in Lake Erne. His reputation for learning and personal piety attracted many spiritual students to the island.
We celebrate him on January 6 with an additional Memorial as one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland.
Saint Neosnadia
Saint Neosnadia was born near Loudon, diocese of Poitiers, France during the fifth century. Several ancient chapels and churches in the area of Poitiers, France are dedicated to her.
Some artwork associates her with sheep, wool and spinning, but no certain information about her has survived.
Saint Mildgytha
Saint Mildgytha also known as Mildgith, Milgitha, Milgithe or Mildgyth was born a princess, the daughter of Merewalh, King of Mercia, and Saint Ebbe in Thanet.
She was the sister of Saint Milburga and Saint Mildred of Thanet. She became a benedictine nun, receiving the veil from her mother at Minster on the Isle of Thanet.
St Mildgytha was also abbess of a Northumbrian convent. In 676 AD she died of natural causes.
Saint Richimir
Saint Richimir also known as Richimirus or Rigomer was a benedictine monk. He founded the Benedictine monastery now known as Saint-Rigomer-des-Bois in the Loire Valley of France with a group of disciple brother monks, and with the support of the bishop of Le Mans, France. He served as its first abbot. In 715 AD he died of natural causes.
Saint Molaise by Kilmolash
Saint Molaise by Kilmolash also known as Molaise of Devenish or Laserian was born in 500 AD in Ireland.
He became a priest in Kilmolash, Ireland who helped convert the people in the Inishlounaght region. In 560 AD he died in Ireland of natural causes.
Blessed Joseph of Freising
Blessed Joseph of Freising was a benedictine monk and founded the monastery of Saint Zeno at Isen, Bavaria, Germany in 752 AD.
He was the bishop of Freising near Munich, Germany in 764 AD. In 764 AD, he died of natural causes. His relics are at the monastery in Isen, Germany.
Saint Marcellus of Die
Saint Marcellus of Die also known as Marcelo was the bishop of Die, province of Lugdunense, Gaul in modern France.
He was exiled by Arian king Eurico for defending orthodox Christianity and died in 510 AD of natural causes.
Saint Meleusippus
Saint Meleusippus was a triplet brother of Saint Speusippus and Saint Eleusippus grandson of Saint Leonilla.
He was martyred in Langres, France by Marcus Aurelius. An extraordinary series of legends grew up around the family over the years.
Saint Eleusippus
Saint Eleusippus was a triplet brother of Saint Speusippus and Saint Meleusippus grandson of Saint Leonilla.
He was martyred in Langres, France by Marcus Aurelius. An extraordinary series of legends grew up around the family over the years.
Saint Speusippus
Saint Speusippus was a triplet brother of Saint Eleusippus and Saint Meleusippus grandson of Saint Leonilla.
He was martyred by Marcus Aurelius in Langres, France. An extraordinary series of legends grew up around the family over the years.
Saint Anthony of Rome
Saint Anthony of Rome was a benedictine monk at Saint Andrew’s monastery on the Coelian Hill, Rome, Italy under abbot Saint Gregory the Great who later wrote about him. He was a miracle worker and died in 590 AD of natural causes.
Saint John of Rome
Saint John of Rome was a benedictine monk at Saint Andrew’s monastery on the Coelian Hill, Rome, Italy under abbot Saint Gregory the Great who later wrote about him. He was a miracle worker and died in 590 AD of natural causes.
Saint Achillas of Sketis
Saint Achillas of Sketis also known as Achilleus or one of the Flowers of the Desert was a hermit in the fourth-century desert in Egypt for decades. He was a friend of Saint Amoes of Sketis.
Saint Leonilla
Saint Leonilla was the grandmother of Saint Speusippus, Saint Eleusippus and Saint Meleusippus.
She was martyred by Marcus Aurelius in Langres, France. An extraordinary series of legends grew up around the family over the years.
Saint Merulus of Rome
Saint Merulus of Rome was a benedictine monk at Saint Andrew’s monastery on the Coelian Hill, Rome, Italy under abbot Saint Gregory the Great who later wrote about him. He was a miracle worker and died in 590 AD of natural causes.
Saint Amoes of Sketis
Saint Amoes of Sketis also known as one of the Flowers of the Desert was a fourth-century desert hermit in Egypt for decades. He was the friend of Saint Achillas of Sketis.
Saint Pior
Saint Pior was a hermit in a cave in the Baid desert on the Nile in Egypt. He was a spiritual student of Saint Anthony the Abbot and died in 395 AD of natural causes.
Saint Genulfus
Saint Genulfus also known as Genou was a third-century monk at Celle-sur-Naton, France.
Saint Genitus
Saint Genitus was a third-century monk at Celle-sur-Naton, France.

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