Saint of the Day for January 28 2025

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Today is Tuesday, March 4, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on January 28 2025.

👉 Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church

Blessed Charlemagne

Blessed Mosè Tovini

Saint Joseph Freinademetz

Blessed Julian Maunoir

Saint Julian of Cuenca

Saint Paulinus of Aquileia

Blessed Olympia Bida

Saint Jean of Reomay

Blessed María Luisa Montesinos Orduña

Blessed Bartolomé Aiutamicristo

Blessed James the Almsgiver

Saint Jerome Lu

Blessed Odo of Beauvais

Saint Agatha Lin

Saint James the Hermit

Saint Lawrence Wang

Saint Aemilian of Trebi

Blessed Petrus Won Si-jang

Blessed Petrus Won Si-jang was a layman born in 1732 in Hongju, Chungcheong-do, South Korea who died as a martyr on January 28 1793 in Jeonju, Jeolla-do, South Korea.

He was beatified by Pope Francis on August 15 2014. We celebrate him with an additional Memorial on September 20 as one of the Martyrs of Korea.

Saint Cannera of Inis Cathaig

St Cannera of Inis Cathaig, also known as Cainder or Kinnera was an Irish born and died of natural cause in 530 AD.

She was a friend of St Senan and also an anchoress near Bantry, Ireland. She was buried on St Senan’s Island, Enniscorthy, Ireland.

Saint Glastian of Kinglassie

St Glastian of Kinglassie, Also known as Glastianus, died of natural causes in 830 AD.

He mediated a peace between the Picts and the Scots, greatly improving the conditions of the conquered Picts. He was a Patronage of Kinglassie, Fife and Scotland.

Saint Thyrsus of Apollonia

St Thyrsus of Apollonia was martyred in the persecutions of Decius. He died in 251 AD at Apollonia, Phrygia (modern Turkey).

His relics were translated to Constantinople and were assorted churches in Spain.

Blessed Giovanni of Medina

Blessed Giovanni of Medina was a Mercedarian friar, and a doctor of Theology and was assigned to North Africa, he ransomed 259 AD Christians from Muslim slavery.

Saint Constantly

Saint Constantly was a daughter of Constantine the Great. She healed of an unnamed mortal illness a the tomb of Saint Agnes of Rome, she converted to Christianity.

Lived the rest of her life near the tomb with a group of like-minded women that today would be nuns.

Saint Meallan of Cell Rois

Tt Meallan of Cell Rois was also known as Meallan of Cill Ruis or Meallan of Kilrush. He was an Irish priest and he received a blessing from St Patrick for his desire for religious work.

Saint Richard of Vaucelles

St Richard of Vaucelles was born in Egland and died of natural causes in 1169 AD. He was a Cistercian monk and was appointed abbot of Vaucelles Abbey, France, by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.

Saint Flavian of Civitavecchia

St Flavian of Civitavecchia was a Roman deputy prefect. He was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian and later died in 304 AD in Civitavecchia, Italy.

Saint Palladius of Antioch

St Palladius of Antioch was a Hermit in the desert near Antioch, Syria, a friend of Saint Simeon and died of natural causes in 390 AD.

Saint Leucius of Apollonia

St Leucius of Apollonia died in 251 AD at Apollonia, Phrygia (modern Turkey). He was martyred in the persecutions of Decius.

Saint Brigid of Picardy

St Brigid of Picardy was born in Scotland and died in Picardy, France. He was martyred while on a pilgrimage to Rome, Italy.

Saint Maura of Picardy

St Maura of Picardy was born in Scotland and died in Picardy, France. He was martyred while on a pilgrimage to Rome, Italy.

Saint Leonides of Thebaid

St Leonides of Thebaid was martyred with a group of fellow Christians in the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Antimus of Brantôme

St Antimus of Brantôme was an eighth-century abbot of the Benedictine Abbey of Brantôme, France.

Saint Callinicus of Apollonia

St Callinicus of Apollonia was martyred in the persecutions of Decius. He later died in 251 AD at Apollonia, Phrygia (modern Turkey).

Saint Archebran

St Archebran was an Irish-born and lived in Cornwall, England. No other information is available.

Martyrs of Alexandria

Martyrs of Alexandria was a group of 4th-century parishioners in Alexandria, Egypt.

During the celebration of Mass one day an Arian officer named Syrianus led a troop of soldiers into their church and proceeded to murder all the orthodox Christians in the place.

They died in 356 AD in Alexandria, Egypt.

Other Saints of the Day for January 28 2025

  • Gentile Giusti
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 28 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is January 28 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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