This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is June 17 2024.
Saint Botulph of Ikanhoe
Saint Albert Chmielowski
Blessed Ranieri Scacceri
Blessed Pierre-Joseph Cassant
Saint Herve
Blessed Paul Burali d’Arezzo
Saint Theresa of Portugal
Blessed Peter Gambacorta
Saint Hypatius of Chalcedon
Blessed Philippe Papon
Martyrs of Chalcedon
Saint Phere Da
Maria in the Forest
Saint Avitus of Perche
Saint Himerius of Amelia
Saint Antidius of Besançon
Saint Antidius of Besançon also known as Antel, Antible, Antidio or Tude was a spiritual student of Saint Froninus of Besançon.
He became bishop of Besançon, France. He died in 265 AD in Ruffey, France after being martyred by Arian Vandals.
Saint Adolph of Utrecht
Saint Adolph of Utrecht, also known as Adolph of Maastricht, Adulf, or Adulphus, born in the early 7th century in England was the brother of Saint Botulph of Ikanhoe. He became a seventh-century monk and a missionary bishop to Saxony. He was a miracle worker.
Saint Rambold of Ratisbon
Saint Rambold of Ratisbon, also known as Ramnold of Ratisbon, born in 901 AD was a monk at the Saint Maximinus monastery in Trier, Germany. He became abbot of Saint Emmeram in Regensburg, Germany. He died in 1001 of natural causes.
Saint Molling of Wexford
Saint Molling of Wexford also known as Dairchilla, Molignus, Moling, Mullins or Myllin was a monk at Glendalough. He was born in Wexford, Ireland. He became abbot of Aghacainid and bishop of Ferns, Ireland. In 697 AD he died of natural causes.
Saint David of Bourges
Saint David of Bourges was the archbishop of Bourges, France in 785 AD where he served the remaining 30 years of his life. He died in 815 AD of natural causes. He was interred in the church of the Saint-Laurent abbey in Bourges, France.
Saint Diogenes of Rome
Saint Diogenes of Rome was a martyr. He died on the Via Salaria Vecchia, Rome, Italy and was buried in Saint John the Martyr, Via Salaria, Rome. His relics were moved to the Basilica of Santa Praxedes by Pope Paschal I.
Saint Blasto of Rome
Saint Blasto of Rome was a martyr. He died on the Via Salaria Vecchia, Rome, Italy, and was buried in Saint John the Martyr, Via Salaria, Rome. His relics were moved to the Basilica of Santa Praxedes by Pope Paschal I.
Saint Dignamerita of Brescia
Saint Dignamerita of Brescia was a lay woman martyred with her two sons, in the persecutions of emperor Hadrian. She was beheaded in the early 1st century in Brescia, Italy.
Blessed Arnaldo of Foligno
Blessed Arnaldo of Foligno also known as Arnold was a Franciscan friar. He was a known confessor, spiritual director and was the biographer of Blessed Angela of Foligno. He died in 1313.
Saint Montanus of Gaeta
Saint Montanus of Gaeta was a soldier. He died as a martyr after being drowned in the sea with a stone tied around his neck in 300 AD at Ponza, Italy. His relics were translated to Gaeta, Italy.
Saint Briavel of Gloucestershire
Saint Briavel of Gloucestershire also known as Brevile was a sixth century hermit in Gloucestershire, England, and area now known as Saint Briavels.
Saint Nectan of Hartland
Saint Nectan of Hartland also known as Nighton was born in Wales. He was a sixth-century hermit in Hartland, Devon, England. He is the patron of Hartland, England.
Saint Prior
Saint Prior, born in the late 3rd century in Egypt, was an early spiritual student of Saint Anthony the Abbot. He became a monk and also a hermit. He lived to nearly 100 years of age and died in the late 4th century.
Saint Gundulphus
Saint Gundulphus also known as Gundulfus, Gondulf, Gondon or Gondulphus was a sixth-century bishop in Gaul. He died at Bourges, France of natural causes.
Saint Agrippinus of Como
Saint Agrippinus of Como was the bishop of Como, Italy. He died in 615 AD of natural causes.
Martyrs of Apollonia
Martyrs of Apollonia is a group of Christians who fled to a cave near Apollonia, Macedonia to escape persecution for their faith, but were caught and executed.
They were beheaded at Apollonia, Macedonia, and died as martyrs. Their names are Basil, Ermia, Felix, Innocent, Isaurus, Jeremias, and Peregrinus.
Martyrs of Aquileia
Martyrs of Aquileia is a group of four Christian martyrs memorialized together. No details about them have survived. They died in 100 AD in Aquileia, Italy. Their names are Ciria, Maria, Musca, and Valerian.
Martyrs of Chalcedon
Martyrs of Chalcedon is a group of three well-educated Persian Christian men who were sent as ambassadors from King Baltan of Persia to the court of emperor Julian the Apostate to negotiate peace between the two states, and an end of Julian’s persecutions of Christians.
Instead of negotiating, Julian imprisoned them, ordered them to make a sacrifice to pagan idols, and when they refused, had them executed.
They were beheaded in 362 AD in Chalcedon part of modern Istanbul, Turkey and their bodies burned and no relics survived. Their names are Manuel, Sabel, and Ismael.
Martyrs of Fez
Martyrs of Fez is a group of Mercedarians sent to Fez, Morocco to ransom Christians imprisoned and enslaved by Muslims.
For being openly Christian they were imprisoned, tortured, mutilated, and executed. They were beheaded in Fez, Morocco. Their names are Egidio, John, Louis, and Paul.
Martyrs of Rome
Martyrs of Rome is a group of 262 AD Christians martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. They died in 303 AD in Rome, Italy, and were buried on the old Via Salaria in Rome.
Martyrs of Venafro
Martyrs of Venafro are three Christian lay people, two of them imperial Roman soldiers, who converted to Christianity and were martyred together in the persecutions of Maximian and Diocletian.
They were beheaded in 303 AD in Venafro, Italy and by 313 AD a basilica had been built over their graves. Their grave and relics were re-discovered in 1930.
They are the patron Saints of Venafro, Italy. Their names are Daria, Marcian and Nicander.
Other Saints of the Day for June 17 2024
- Herbot
- Colman of Lynn
- Joseph-Marie Cassant

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