Saint of the Day for March 25 2025

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Today is Wednesday, February 19, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on March 25 2025.

👉 Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

Saint Nicodemus of Mammola

Saint Dismas

Blessed Josaphata Mykhailyna Hordashevska

Blessed Emilian Kovch

Saint Lucia Filippini

Blessed Pawel Januszewski

Saint Margaret Clitherow

Blessed Placido Riccardi

Annunciation of the Lord – Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Blessed Tommaso of Costacciaro

Blessed Margaretha Flesch

Saint Humbert of Pelagius

Saint Procopius

Saint Mariam Sultaneh Danil Ghattas

Blessed James Bird

Blessed Everard of Nellenburg

Saint Quirinus of Rome

Saint Hermenland

St Hermenland was also known as Erblon, Herbland, Hermeland, or Hermiland. He was born in the diocese of Noyon, France.

In his youth, he was a royal cup-bearer. Later he became a priest and a monk at Fontenelle under St Lambert. With twelve brother monks, he established an abbey on an island at Aindre on the Loire and served as its first abbot. He died around 720 AD.

Saint Kennocha of Fife

St Kennocha of Fife, also known as Kyle or Enoch, was a Scottish-born and died of natural causes in 1007 AD.

She was the only daughter of a wealthy family however, she rejected the worldly life and a series of suitors to a feeling, a call to a life of prayer.

She later become a nun in Fife, Scotland. Additionally, she was a miracle worker and Highly venerated in the area of Glasgow, Scotland.

Blessed Herman of Zahringen

Blessed Herman of Zahringen was also known as Herman I of Baden or Herman I, Margrave of Baden. He was a member of the nobility, the Margrave of Zahringen, but gave up the position to become a Benedictine monk at Cluny Abbey in France. He later died of natural causes in 1074 AD.

Saint Alfwold of Sherborne

St Alfwold of Sherborne, also known as Ælfwold, died of natural causes in 1058 AD while singing the antiphon of St Cuthbert.

He was a monk in Winchester, England, and also a bishop of Sherborne, England in 1045 AD. Additionally, He had a great devotion to St Cuthbert and St Swithun.

Saint Matrona of Thessaloniki

St Matrona of Thessaloniki was beaten to death in 350 AD in Thessaloniki, Macedonia (in modern Greece). He was a Christian slave with a Jewish “owner”.

When the lady of the house caught Matrona going to Mass, she was abused, tortured, and eventually killed as a martyr.

Saint Matrona of Barcelona

St Matrona of Barcelona, also known as Madrona, was a girl martyred in Rome, Italy but unknown date. She has an additional memorial on March 15 (Barcelona, Spain).

Saint Dula the Slave

St Dula the Slave was a Christian slave of a pagan soldier in Nicomedia in Asia Minor. She died fighting off a rape attempt by her “owner”. Her representation is a dead young woman being watched over by a dog.

Saint Pelagius of Laodicea

St Pelagius of Laodicea was a bishop of Laodicea. She fought Arianism however, she was exiled by the Arian emperor Valens, but recalled by Gratian. In addition, she attended the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD.

Saint Mona of Milan

St Mona of Milan was a bishop of Milan, Italy, and died in 300 AD.

262 Martyrs of Rome

262 Martyrs of Rome was a group of 262 Christians martyred together. We know nothing else about them apart from their death place in Rome, Italy, not even their names.

Other Saints of the Day for March 25 2025

  • Richard of Pontoise
  • Peter Formica
  • Our Lady of Betania
  • Isaac the Patriarch
  • Francis Bruno
  • Columba, Daughter of Baoit
  • Arnold de Amar
  • Andrew Lorenzo
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 25 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is March 25 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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