Saint of the Day for October 23 2024

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Today is Monday, September 23, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 23 2024.

👉 Saint John of Capistrano, Priest

Saint Allucio of Campugliano

Blessed Arnold Reche

Blessed Severinus Boethius

Saint PhaolĂŽ Tong Viet Buong

Blessed Esther Paniagua Alonso

Blessed María Caridad Álvarez Martín

Saint Ignatius of Constantinople

Blessed John Buoni

Blessed Anne-Joseph Leroux

Saint Gratien of Amiens

Saints Germanus and Servandus of Cadiz

Blessed Álvaro Ibåñez Låzaro

Blessed Pedro Lorente Vicente

Blessed Andrés Zarraquino Herrero

Saint Severinus of Cologne

Blessed Thomas Thwing

Saint Theodoret of Antioch

Saint Romanus of Rouen

Blessed John Angelo Porro

Saint Benedict of Sebaste

Saint Ethelfleda

St Ethelfleda was also known as Elfleda, Elflaeda, Ethelflaeda or Ethelfleda. She was the daughter of King Edward the Elder.

She became a nun and later the abbess of Ramsey Abbey. Here, she was a sister with Saint Merewenna. She died in 970 AD.

Saint Oda of Aquitaine

St Oda of Aquitaine was a princess. She was married to the Duke of Aquitaine, now in modern-day France.

After she was widowed, she devoted her fortune and life after marriage to care for the poor and suffering.

In 723 AD, she died of natural causes.

Saint Clether

St Clether was also known as Cleer, Clydog, Scledog, Clitanus or Cleodius. He is well known in Cornwall and Wales and several churches are dedicated to him. He died in 520 AD.

Saint Domitius of Amiens

St Domitius of Amiens was a spiritual teacher of Saint Ulphia of Amiens and an eighth-century deacon and hermit near Amiens, France.

Saint Elfleda

St Elfleda was also known as Aelflead. She was born an Anglo-Saxon princess.  After she was widowed, she lived as an anchoress in Glastonbury, England, and was highly respected by Saint Dunstan of Canterbury. She died in 936 AD.

Saint Arethas of Negran

St Arethas of Negran was a governor of the town of Negran in Arabia Felix in the sixth century.

He was martyred in 523 AD, with a large number of Christians during the persecutions of Dunaan.

Blessed Henry of Cologne

Blessed Henry of Cologne studied at the University of Paris. He was one of the first Dominicans and became the first prior at Cologne, Germany.

He was a friend of Blessed Jordan. He died in 1225 AD.

Saint Syra of Faremoutiers

St Syra was a nun at Faremoutiers, France. She was an abbess of ChĂąlons-sur-Marne, France and died in 660 AD.

Saint Dorotheus of Hadrianopolis

St Dorotheus was also known as Dorotheus of Adrianopolis. He died as a martyr.

Saint Verus of Salerno

St Verus was a bishop of Salerno, Italy in the fourth century. He fervently fought heresy to maintain orthodox Christianity in his see.

Saint Socrates of Nicaea

St Socrates of Nicaea was a priest in Bithynia, now in modern-day Iznik, Turkey. In 230 AD, he died as a martyr in Nicaea.

Saint John of Syracuse

St John was the Bishop of Syracuse, Sicily in 595 AD. He died in 609 AD.

Saint Severus of Hadrianopolis

St Severus of Hadrianopolis was also known as Severus of Adrianopolis. HE died as a martyr.

Saint Amo of Toul

St Amo of Toul was also known as Amon. He was the bishop of Toul, France in the fourth century.

Saint Euerotas of Nicaea

St Euerotas of Nicaea died as a martyr in 230 AD in Nicaea.

Saint Theodota of Nicaea

Saint Theodota of Nicaea died as a martyr in 230 AD in Nicaea.

Martyrs of Valenciennes

The martyrs of Valenciennes was a group of Ursuline and Briggittine nuns who were, on October 23 1794, guillotined and murdered together in Valenciennes, Nord, France during the anti-Christian excesses of the French Revolution.

On June 13 1920, they were beatified by Pope Benedict XV.

Their names are;

  • Anne-Joseph Leroux
  • Marie-Marguerite-Joseph Leroux
  • Marie-LiĂ©vine Lacroix
  • Marie-Augustine Erraux
  • Jeanne-Louise BarrĂ©
  • Clotilde-Joseph Paillot

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • TomĂĄs Cuartero GascĂłn
  • Manuel Navarro MartĂ­nez
  • Leonardo Olivera Buera
  • Justiniano Cuesta Redondo
  • JosĂ© MarĂ­a Cuartero GascĂłn
  • Honorino Carracedo Ramos
  • Fulgencio Calvo SĂĄnchez
  • Eufrasio de Celis Santos
  • Eduardo Valverde RodrĂ­guez
  • AndrĂ©s Navarro Sierra
  • Anatolio GarcĂ­a Nozal
  • Agapit Gorgues Manresa

Other Saints of the Day for October 23 2024

  • Bartholomew of Breganze
  • Soren of Ry
  • Bertrand of Grandselve

Catholic Saint of the Day

Catholic Saint Feast Days in October

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 23 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 23 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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