List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 3 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Catholic Saint of the Day

Saint of the Day for May 3 2024

This is the Saints of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 3 2024. πŸ‘‰ Saint James the Lesser, Apostle πŸ‘‰ Saint Philip, Apostle Saint Ansfrid of Utrecht Blessed Emilia [Read More …]

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St James the Lesser - Feast Day - May 3
Catholic Saint of the Day

St James the Lesser – Feast Day – May 3

St. James the Lesser was one of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus. He is also referred to as β€œthe Minor”, β€œthe Little”, β€œthe Less”, or β€œthe Younger”. He authored the first Catholic Epistle and [Read More …]

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