Saint of the Day for May 9 2025
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 9 2025. Saint Pachomius of Tabenna Saint Beatus of Lungern Blessed Maria del Carmen Rendiles Martinez Blessed Karolina [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 9 2025. Saint Pachomius of Tabenna Saint Beatus of Lungern Blessed Maria del Carmen Rendiles Martinez Blessed Karolina [Read More …]
April 29 2024: Bible Verse of the Day – Monday of the Fifth Week of Easter – Whoever Loves Me Will Keep My Word – John 14:21-26 23 Whoever loves me will keep my word, and [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on May 8 2025. Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel Blessed Ulrika Fransiska Nisch Blessed Clara Fey Blessed Teresa [Read More …]
The Prayer for My Husband is a heartfelt invocation offered by a wife to seek divine blessings, protection, and guidance for her spouse. It is a deeply personal and intimate prayer, expressing love, gratitude, and [Read More …]
May 3 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – Whoever Has Seen Me Has Seen The Father – John 14:7-14 – Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles, Saturday of the Fourth Week of Easter [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on May 6 2025. Saint John Before the Latin Gate Blessed Anna Rosa Gattorno Saint Francis de Montmorency Laval [Read More …]
April 26 2024: Bible Verse of the Day – Friday of the Fourth Week of Easter, Fifth Sunday of Easter Year A – In My Father’s House, There Are Many Dwelling Places – John 14:1-6 [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on May 5 2025. Saint Angelus of Jerusalem Blessed Caterina Cittadini Blessed Nuntius Sulprizio Saint Godehard of Hildesheim Saint [Read More …]
May 4 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – Thursday of the Fourth Week of Easter – No Slave is Greater Than His Master – John 13:16-20 16 When Jesus had washed the disciples’ feet, he [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on May 4 2025. Saint Florian of Lorch Blessed Jean-Martin Moye Blessed Ladislas of Gielniow Blessed Michal Giedroyc Saint [Read More …]
This is the Saints of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on May 3 2025. 👉 St James the Lesser, Apostle 👉 St Philip, Apostle Saint Ansfrid of Utrecht Blessed [Read More …]
May 11 2025 – Bible Verse of the Day – The Sheep Hear His Voice as He Calls Them By Name – John 10:1-30 – Fourth Sunday of Easter Year B, Monday of the Fourth [Read More …]
The Prayer for My Son is a prayer of intercession and supplication to God, seeking His Divine guidance and strength for a parent’s son during normal times and also who is going through a difficult [Read More …]
Prayer for my daughter is a heartfelt petition to the divine seeking blessings, guidance, and protection for a beloved girl child. It is a powerful way for parents to connect with the spiritual realm and [Read More …]
Prayer for my wife is a spiritual petition that expresses gratitude, love, and a desire for divine guidance and blessings for your wife. It is an opportunity for someone to connect with the Divine and [Read More …]
April 29 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – Tuesday of the Second Week of Easter – Jesus Meets Nicodemus – John 3:1-21 Nicodemus posed a question to Jesus, saying, “How can this come about?” [Read More …]
Prayer for pregnancy is a heartfelt and sincere prayer that is often recited by couples who are trying to conceive a child or are on the journey to parenthood. This Prayer for pregnancy is a [Read More …]
The Prayer for Restoration is a genuine request for healing and renewal, conveyed with sincerity and a deep connection to a higher power. It’s a humble plea for the revitalization of strength, peace, and overall [Read More …]
A prayer for a relationship with your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance, spouse, partner, or significant other is a heartfelt expression of our deepest desires for love, connection, and mutual respect. Whether you are married, [Read More …]
The Prayer for Safe Travel serves as a sincere plea or hopeful message uttered by individuals before starting a journey. It serves as a means to request protection, guidance, and a secure arrival at the [Read More …]
Use your knowledge about Catholic Liturgy to solve this Holy Week Crossword Puzzle. This Holy Week puzzle tests whether you know the Catholic Liturgy and what happens during the Holy Week and what we are [Read More …]
Bible Verse of the Day – Palm Sunday: Jesus Enters Jerusalem in Jubilation for His Passion and Cross – Matthew 21:1-11. The passage, Matthew 21:1-11, teaches us that Jesus is the promised Messiah and king, [Read More …]
Bible Verse of the Day – Sacrificing Our Lives for The Sake of Jesus – John 11:45-56 The passage, John 11:45-56, teaches us about the power of belief, the consequences of unbelief, the inevitability of [Read More …]
Bible Verse of the Day – Jesus’ Divinity and Unity With God – John 10:31-42. Today’s reading of this passage highlights Jesus’ divinity and unity with God, his role as the Messiah, the importance of [Read More …]
Bible Verse of the Day – Before Abraham Came To Be, I AM – John 8:51-59. Today’s reading of this passage emphasizes Jesus’ divine nature and his fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham. It also [Read More …]
March 29 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – Everyone Who Commits Sin is a Slave of Sin – John 8:31-42 Today’s reading teaches us about the power and importance of truth, the enslaving nature [Read More …]
April 8 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – Jesus is the Ambassador of God the Father – John 8:21-30 Today’s reading teaches us that Jesus, the son, is the Ambassador of God the Father [Read More …]
March 27 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – The Story of the Woman Caught in Adultery – John 8:1-11 Today’s reading, John 8:1-11, teaches us about the power of compassion, forgiveness, and mercy, and [Read More …]
March 26 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – The Raising of Lazarus By Jesus – John 11:1-45 Today’s reading teaches us about the power and compassion of Jesus, the importance of faith and obedience, [Read More …]
March 25 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – Annunciation of the Lord by Angel Gabriel – Luke 1:26-38 The passage, Luke 1:26-38, teaches us how God the Father announced the coming of Jesus Christ, [Read More …]
Bible Verse of the Day – Jesus Was Sent To Earth By God – John 7:1-30 In today’s reading, Jesus teaches us that He comes from God and highlights the importance of obedience, spiritual discernment, [Read More …]
March 23 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – The Authority of Jesus and His Relationship With God – John 5:31-47. In today’s reading, Jesus teaches about his authority and his relationship with God, the [Read More …]
March 22 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – Jesus is the Son of God and Equal to God – John 5:17-30 Today’s passage emphasizes Jesus’ equality with God, his power to give life and [Read More …]
March 21 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – Jesus Cures a Man Sick for 38 Years on the Sabbath at the Bethesda Pool Near the Sheep’s Gate in Jerusalem – John 5:1-16 Today’s passage [Read More …]
March 20 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – St Joseph and the Genealogy of Jesus – Matthew 1:16-24 and Luke 2:41-51 Today’s reading teaches us about St Joseph and the Genealogy of Jesus. It [Read More …]
March 19 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – Jesus Heals a Man Blind From Birth – John 9:1-41 Today’s reading passage emphasizes the power and authority of Jesus, the importance of faith, compassion for [Read More …]
March 18 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector – Luke 18:9-14 Today’s reading teaches us that true righteousness and justification before God come not from [Read More …]
March 17 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – What is the Greatest Commandment? – Mark 12:28-34. Today’s reading teaches us about the importance of love, both for God and for others and living lives [Read More …]
March 16 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – The Power and Authority of Jesus – Luke 11:14-23 Today’s reading teaches us about the power and authority of Jesus, the importance of unity and action [Read More …]
March 14 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – Parable of the Unforgiving Servant – Matthew 18:21-35 Today’s reading teaches us about the importance of endless forgiveness without counting the number of times the person [Read More …]
March 13 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – A Prophet is Not Without Honor Except in His Native Place – Luke 4:16-30, Matthew 13:54-58, Mark 6:1-6 Today’s reading reiterates Jesus’ role as the Messiah and [Read More …]
March 12 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – Jesus and the Samaritan Woman – John 4:5-42 The encounter of Jesus with the Samaritan woman teaches us the transformative power of encountering Jesus, the universality of [Read More …]
March 22 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – The Parable of the Prodigal Son – Luke 15:11-32 – Saturday of the Second Week of Lent, Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, Fourth Sunday of [Read More …]
March 21 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – The Parable of the Tenants – Be a Faithful and Fruitful Tenant – The Landowner Who Planted a Vineyard – Matthew 21:33-46, Mark 12:1-12 – Friday of [Read More …]
March 9 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – The parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man – Luke 16:19-31 Wealth and power without compassion and charity are useless. We should use our wealth to serve [Read More …]
March 8 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – You can only become great through serving others first. Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant and Whoever Wishes to be First [Read More …]
March 7 2023: Bible Verse of the Day This remark “whoever exalts himself will be humbled but whoever humbles himself will be exalted” from Matthew 23:1-12, Luke 14:11 is a powerful teaching by Jesus Christ [Read More …]
March 6 2023: Bible Verse of the Day In Matthew 5:43-48, and Luke 6:27-38, Jesus teaches about loving one’s enemies and living a life of love, forgiveness, and generosity. Here are the salient teachings: Love [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on March 6 2025. Saint Colette Saint Chrodegang of Metz Saint Fridolin Blessed Sylvester of Assisi Saint Rose of [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on March 5 2025. Saint John Joseph of the Cross Saint Mark the Ascetic Saint Piran Saint Kieran Pope [Read More …]
Catholic Daily Reflections and Homily provide daily inspiration and guidance for faithful Catholics seeking to deepen their spiritual lives. Get access to insightful reflections and homilies that explore the Gospel teachings and apply them to your daily life. [Read More …]
The Prayer for Souls in Purgatory is a sincere plea to God for the souls of the departed undergoing a process of purification. In straightforward terms, it’s a prayer requesting God’s mercy and support for [Read More …]
Welcome to the Prayer for Students, a heartfelt and sincere invocation seeking divine guidance and support for all students navigating the journey of education. In this sacred moment of reflection, we gather our hopes and [Read More …]
Welcome to the Prayer for Teachers, a heartfelt moment where we join together to express gratitude and seek blessings for the dedicated individuals who shape our minds and nurture our souls. Teachers play a special [Read More …]
St Casimir Jagiellon was a prince born on October 3 1458 in Wawel, Kraków, Poland, and died on March 4 1484 at the age of 25 in Grodno, Lithuania in modern-day Belarus. We celebrate his [Read More …]
St Katharine Drexel (Catherine Mary Drexel) was born on November 26 1858 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. She died on March 3 1955 at the age of 96 in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, U.S. She was the foundress [Read More …]
St Chad, also known as Ceadda, was born in 634 AD in Northumbria and died on March 2 672 AD in Lichfield, Mercia, England. We celebrate his feast day on March 2 every year in [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on March 2 2025. 👉Saint Chad of Mercia Saint Angela of the Cross Guerrero Saint Agnes of Prague Saint [Read More …]
To solve this Lord’s Prayer Crossword Puzzle, you will first need to read the Gospel reading for Tuesday of the First Week of Lent. The reading is about Jesus teaching His disciples how to pray. [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on March 1 2025. Saint David of Wales Saint Albinus of Angers Saint Leolucas of Corleone Saint Rudesind Saint [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on February 28 2025. Saint Auguste Chapdelaine Blessed Villana de’Botti Blessed Daniel Brottier Blessed Stanislaw Antoni Trojanowski Pope Saint [Read More …]
St Gregory of Narek was also known as Grigor Narekatsi. He was an Armenian mystical and lyrical poet, monk, and theologian. He was born between 945 AD and 951 AD in Andzevatsik, Kingdom of Vaspurakan, [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on February 26 2025. Saint Victor the Hermit Saint Paula of Saint Joseph of Calasanz Blessed Robert Drury Blessed [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on February 25 2025. Saint Caesarius of Nanzianzen Saint Walburga Blessed Maria Adeodata Pisani Blessed Sebastian of Aparicio Blessed [Read More …]
This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on February 24 2025. Saint Ethelbert of Kent Blessed Tommaso Maria Fusco Blessed Josef Mayr-Nusser Blessed Constantius of Fabriano [Read More …]
St Polycarp, who served as the Bishop of Smyrna, was a follower of St. John. In one of his letters to the Philippians, he encouraged them to love one another and to oppose heresy. On [Read More …]
The Chair of Saint Peter (Cathedra Petri: in Latin), also known as the St Peter’s Throne, is a relic conserved in St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, the independent enclave of the Pope inside Rome, Italy. The relic is a wooden seat that tradition claims the Apostle St Peter, the [Read More …]
You can also play the Catholic Crossword Puzzle Game This is a Roman Catholic Trivia Quiz for Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Advent, Prayers, Bible Gospel readings, Catholic Liturgy, Faith, Saints, and others. They are [Read More …]
This Catholic Lent Crossword Puzzle for Lenten season provides a great way for Catholics to test how much they know about the faith, liturgy, obligations, and all activities in the lenten season while also enjoying [Read More …]
Catholic Crossword Puzzles have been a popular activity for generations, and they continue to be enjoyed by people of all ages. Catholic crossword puzzles are a great way for the Catholic faithful to engage with [Read More …]
St. Joseph the Worker Prayer is a special prayer dedicated to St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus and the patron saint of workers. This prayer is a heartfelt expression of devotion and seeks St. [Read More …]
These Christmas Songs of All Time are the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. This collection of the top twenty Traditional Merry Christmas Songs and Best Classic [Read More …]
We Three Kings of Orient Are is among the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. We Three Kings of Orient Are is a Merry Christmas song and [Read More …]
Up on the Housetop is one of the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. Up on the Housetop is a Merry Christmas song and carol usually sung [Read More …]
The Twelve Days of Christmas is among the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. The Twelve Days of Christmas is a Merry Christmas song and carol usually [Read More …]
The First Noel is among the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. The First Noel is a Merry Christmas song and carol usually sung during the Christmas [Read More …]
Joy to the World is among the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. Joy to the World is a Merry Christmas song and carol usually sung during [Read More …]
Angels From the Realms of Glory is among the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. Angels From the Realms of Glory is a Merry Christmas song and [Read More …]
Auld Lang Syne is a song that is sung to a friend, colleague, or partner you are wishing goodbye to. It is mainly sung during the Christmas season, Noel and Christmastide. Prayer. Auld Lang Syne [Read More …]
Deck the Halls is one of the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. Deck the Halls is a Merry Christmas song and carol usually sung during the [Read More …]
Angels We Have Heard on High (Gloria in Excelsis Deo) is among the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. Angels We Have Heard on High is a [Read More …]
Go Tell It On the Mountain is one of the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. Go Tell It On the Mountain is a Merry Christmas song [Read More …]
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen is among the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen is a Merry Christmas song and carol usually [Read More …]
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing is among the best Christmas songs and carols to listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing is a Merry Christmas song usually sung during the [Read More …]
I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In is one of the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In is a Merry [Read More …]
Silent Night! Holy Night! is one of the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. Silent Night! Holy Night! is a Merry Christmas song usually sung during the [Read More …]
Jingle Bells is among the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season. Jingle Bells is a Merry Christmas song and carol usually sung during the Christmas season, Noel [Read More …]
Thank You Prayer: Grateful hearts beat in rhythm, pulsating with thanks. In this sacred moment, we pause, acknowledging the unseen threads weaving blessings into our tapestry of existence. Gratitude, a whispered hymn, rises from the [Read More …]
Catholic Daily Readings for January 7 2023: Saturday after Epiphany – Lectionary: 210 Catholic Daily Readings for January 7 2023, Saturday – Christmas Weekday 1st Reading 1 John 5:14-21 Responsorial Psalm Psalms 149:1-2, 3-4, 5-6A [Read More …]
St Martin de Porres Velázquez was a Dominican lay brother. He was born on December 9 1579 in Lima, Peru. He died on November 3 1639 at the age of 60 in Lima. We celebrate [Read More …]
Pope Benedict XVI, also known as Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, is a retired pope of the Catholic church who served as the pope and the sovereign of the Vatican City State from April 19 2005 until [Read More …]
Pope Francis, born as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is the head of the Catholic Church, Bishop of Rome, and sovereign of the Vatican City State since 2013. He was born on December 17 1936 in Buenos [Read More …]
St Marcellus the Centurion, also known as Marcellus of Tangier, was a centurion in the Roman army. He was born in the mid 3rd century AD in the Roman Empire and died as a martyr [Read More …]
St Emilina of Boulancourt, was a Cistercian lay woman born in 1115 AD in France and died in 1178 AD in Longeville, France. We celebrate her feast day on October 27 every year in the [Read More …]
St Luigi Guanella, also known as Aloisius, Aloysius, or Louis, was a Roman Catholic priest. He was born on December 19 1842 in Fraciscio, Campodolcino, Lombardy, Italy and died on October 24 1915 in Como, [Read More …]
The Canadian Martyrs are also known as the North American Martyrs. They are the eight Jesuit missionaries who worked at Sainte-Marie among the Hurons. Because they were foreign missionary Christians, they were unwelcome among the [Read More …]
St Thecla of Kitzingen, also known as Tecla, or Heilga was a Benedictine nun and abbess. She was born in England and died in 790 AD at Kitzingen Abbey, Germany. We celebrate her feast day [Read More …]
Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, he will prepare your way before you. I tell you, among those born of women, no one is greater than John; yet the least in the [Read More …]
St Theodore Guerin, also known as Mother Theodora or Anne-Thérèse Guérin, was the foundress of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She was born on October 2 1798 in Etables-sur-Mer, Brittany, France, and died [Read More …]
Blessed Luigi Biraghi was a Roman Catholic priest. He was born on November 2 1801 in Vignate, Milan, Italy, and died on August 11 1879 in Milan, Italy. We celebrate his feast day on May [Read More …]
Blessed Iuliu Hossu was the Bishop of Cluj-Gherla, Romania. He was born on January 30 1885 in Milas, Bistrita-Nasaud, Romania and died as a martyr on May 28 1970 at Coletina Hospital in Bucharest, Romania. [Read More …]
Prayer for the Dying and Before Death This prayer may be said before the time of death of a person approaches. Oh, Christian soul, go forth, from this world in the name of God the [Read More …]
Blessed Maria Bagnesi, also known as Mary Bartolomea Bagnesi, was a Dominican tertiary. She was born on August 15 1514 in Florence, Italy and died on May 28 1577 in Florence, Italy. We celebrate her [Read More …]
St Germanus of Paris, also known as Germain or Father of the Poor, was an abbot and bishop of Paris, France. He was born in 496 AD, near Augustodunum, Gaul (Modern-day Autun, France), and died [Read More …]
St Paul Hanh, also known as Phaolo Hanh, was a repentant thief who became a Christian. He was born in 1826 AD in Cho Quán, Gia Dinh, Vietnam. He was arrested, beheaded, and died as [Read More …]
St Restituta of Sora, also known as Restituta of Rome or Restitutus, was a noble lady born in the 3rd century AD in Rome, Italy. She was arrested, killed and died as a martyr in [Read More …]
Blessed Matthias of Nagasaki was a layman catechist in the archdiocese of Nagasaki, Japan. He was born in 1572 AD in Kazusagoko, Japan, and died as a martyr on May 27 1620 in Nagasaki, Japan. [Read More …]
Blessed Dionysius of Semur was a Mercedarian professor of theology. He was born in 1500 AD in France and died in mid-16th-century in the Mercedarian convent in Narbonne, France. We celebrate his feast day on [Read More …]
St Gonzaga Gonza was a Musoga born in Busoga, Bulamogi County, Uganda. He was beheaded and died as a martyr on May 27 1886 at Lubaawo on his way to Namugongo. We celebrate his feast [Read More …]
St Anthanasius Bazzekuketta was a Muganda born at Bukuma near Mulajje Parish in Bulemeezi County. He was speared and then hacked to pieces and died as a martyr on May 27 1886 at Nakivubo on [Read More …]
Blessed Richard Holiday was a priest in England, born in 1565 in Yorkshire, England. He was imprisoned for being a Catholic Priest, then hanged and died as a martyr on May 27 1590 in Durham, [Read More …]
Blessed Richard Hill was a priest in England, born in 1565 in Yorkshire, England. He was imprisoned for being a Catholic Priest, then hanged and died as a martyr on May 27 1590 in Durham, [Read More …]
St Barbara Yi, also known as Bareubara Yi, was a 14-year-old girl in Korea. She was born in 1825 in Jeongpa, Seoul, South Korea, imprisoned for her faith, and died as a martyr on May [Read More …]
St Barbara Kim, also known as Bareubara Gim, was born in 1805 in Si-heung, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, and died as a martyr on May 27 1839 in prison in Seoul, South Korea of plague. She [Read More …]
St Melangell, also known as Monacella, was born in the 6th century in Ireland and died in 590 AD. She is the patron saint of hares. We celebrate her feast day on May 27 every [Read More …]
St Bruno of Wurzburg was the bishop of Würzburg, Germany, born in the 10th century in Germany and died on May 26 1045 in Persenberg, Austria. We celebrate his feast day on May 27 every [Read More …]
St Secundus of Troia, also known as Secondino, was the Bishop of Troia, Italy born in the 3rd century AD in North Africa. He died as a martyr either in the late 3rd or early [Read More …]
St Liberius of Ancona, also known as Liverio, or Oliviero, was a pious hermit in Ancona born in the 5th century AD. When he died, he was buried at San Silvestro Church outside Ancona, Italy. [Read More …]
St Julius the Veteran, also known as St Julius of Durostorum (or Dorostorum), was a soldier in the imperial Roman army. He was born in 255 AD and died as a martyr in 302 AD [Read More …]
St Andrew Kaggwa, also known as Anderea Kahwa, is one of the Martyrs of Uganda. He was born in 1856 in Kkooki Bugangazzi Bukuumi Parish, Uganda and died as a martyr on May 26 1886 [Read More …]
St Ponsiano Ngondwe, also known as Pontian, is one of the Martyrs of Uganda. He was born in mid 19th century in Bulimo in Kyaggwe Naggalama Parish, Uganda and died as a martyr on May [Read More …]
St Desiderius of Vienne, also known as Didier was the Bishop of Vienne, France. He was born in Autun, France and died as a martyr in 608 AD in Saint-Didier-sur-Chalaronne, France. We celebrate his feast [Read More …]
St Quadratus of Athens, also known as Saint Quadratus the Apologist, or Disciple of the Apostles was the Bishop of Athens, Greece. He was born in Athens, Greece, and died in the 2nd century AD. [Read More …]
St Eleutherius, Pope, also known as Eleutherus was the Bishop of Rome from 174 AD until 189 AD. He was born in Nicopolis, Epirus, Greece, and died as a martyr on May 24 189 AD [Read More …]
St Gioan Doan Trinh Hoan was a priest in North Cochinchina (in modern-day Vietnam). He was born in 1798 at Kim-Long, Thùa Thiên, Vietnam. He was beheaded and died as a martyr on May 26 [Read More …]
St Iosephus (Joseph) Chang Song-Jib was a married layman and Pharmacist and is one of the Martyrs of Korea. He was born in 1786 in Seoul, South Korea, and died as a martyr on May [Read More …]
St Pere Sans Jorda, also known as Pedro Sanz, is one of the Martyrs of China, born on September 3 1680 in Ascó, Tarragona, Spain. He was beheaded on May 26 1747 in Fuzhou, Fujian, [Read More …]
Blessed Lambert Peloguin of Vence was the bishop of Vence, France. He was born in 1084 AD in Bauduen, France, and died in 1154 AD in Vence, France. We celebrate his feast day on May [Read More …]
Blessed Andrea Franchi was the Bishop of Pistoia. He was born in 1335 AD in Pistoia, Italy and died on May 26 1401 in Pistoia, Italy. We celebrate his feast day on May 26 every [Read More …]
Blessed Francis Patrizzi, also known as Francesco of Siena, was a Christian member of the Servite Order. He was born in 1266 AD in Siena, Italy and died on May 26 1328 in Siena, Italy. [Read More …]
Our Lady of Caravaggio, also known as Nostra Signora di Caravaggio, is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary who appeared in an apparition on May 26 1432 in Caravaggio, Lombardy, Italy. We celebrate [Read More …]
St Mary Ann de Paredes, also known as Mariana of Jesus, or Mariana de Paredes y Flores, was a pious Christian and a recluse. She was born on October 31 1618 in Quito, Ecuador and [Read More …]
St Denis Ssebuggwawo, also known as Dionysius Sebuggwawo, is one of the Martyrs of Uganda. He was born at Kigoloba, Bulemeezi, Uganda around the year 1870. He was beheaded on May 25 1886 and died [Read More …]
Blessed Juan of Granada was a Mercedarian born in the 14th century AD in Granada, Spain. He died as a martyr in 1428 in Granada, Spain. We celebrate his feast day on May 25 every [Read More …]
St Pherô Doàn Van Vân, also known as Peter Doan Van Van, was a layman catechist in the apostolic vicariate of West Tonkin in modern-day Vietnam. He was born in 1780 in Ke Bói, Hà [Read More …]
Blessed Antonio Caixal was a well-educated Mercedarian friar, born in the 14th century AD in Switzerland and died on May 25 1417 in Constance, Switzerland. We celebrate his feast day on May 25 every year [Read More …]
Blessed Gerardo Mecatti was a prayerful hermit and a miracle worker, born in 1174 AD in Villamagna, Italy and died in mid 13th century AD in Villamagna, Italy. We celebrate his feast day on May [Read More …]
St Zenobius of Florence, also known as Zanobi, or Zenobio, was the first bishop of Florence, Italy. He was born in the 4th century AD in Italy and died on May 25 417 AD in [Read More …]
St Matthêô Nguyen Van Dac Phuong, also known as Matteo, or Matthew, was a married layman catechist in the apostolic vicariate of North Cochinchina. He was born in 1808 AD in Ke Lái, Quang Bình, [Read More …]
Blessed James Bertoni, also known as Andrew Bertoni or James Philip, was a pious priest born in 1444 AD in Faenza, Italy and died on May 25 1483 in Faenza, Italy. We celebrate his feast [Read More …]
Blessed Gerard of Lunel, also known as Gerio, Gerius, Gery, Girio, or Roger, was a Franciscan tertiary. He was born in 1275 AD in Lunel, Southern France and died in 1298 AD in Potenza Picena [Read More …]
Blessed Bartolomeo Magi di Anghiari was a Franciscan friar. He was born in 1460 in Anghiari, Italy, and died in 1510 in Empoli, Italy. His relics are enshrined in the church of Santa Croce in [Read More …]
Blessed Mykola Tsehelskyi, also known as Nicholas or Cehelskyj, was a Ukrainian Greek Catholic priest. He was born on December 17 1896 in Strusiv, Ternopil District, Ukraine and died as a martyr on May 25 [Read More …]
St Aldhelm of Sherborne, also known as Adhelm, or Aldelmus, was the abbot of Malmesbury Abbey and Bishop of Sherborne. He was born in 639 AD in Wessex, England and died on May 25 709 [Read More …]
St Madeleine Sophie Barat was the founder of the Society of the Sacred Heart. She was born on December 12 1779 in Joigny, Champagne, France and died on May 25 1865 at the age of [Read More …]
St Servulo of Trieste, also known as Sérvolo, or Servulus, was a Christian who was Martyred in 283 AD in Socerb, Slovenia during the Christian persecutions in the reign of Roman emperor Numerian (Marcus Aurelius [Read More …]
Blessed Benedict of Cassino was a Benedictine monk at Monte Cassino and abbot of the monastery at Capua, Italy. He was known to live a very austere lifestyle and for charity in the neighbouring community. [Read More …]
St Rogatian of Nantes was the brother of St Donatian of Nantes who hailed from a Roman-Gallo noble family of Nantes, France in the 3rd century AD. Because of his Christian faith, he was arrested, [Read More …]
St Donatian of Nantes was the brother of Saint Rogatian of Nantes who hailed from a Roman-Gallo noble family of Nantes, France in the 3rd century AD. Because of his Christian faith, he was arrested, [Read More …]
Blessed Mario Vergara was a priest in the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions. He was born on November 16 1910 in Frattamaggiore, Naples, Italy and died as a martyr on May 24 1950 in Shadaw, [Read More …]
Blessed Isidore Ngei Ko Lat was a young layman catechist in the diocese of Loikaw, Myanmar. He was born on September 7 1918 in Ahtet Tawpon, Kayin, Myanmar and died as a martyr on May [Read More …]
St Afra of Brescia was a married lay-woman born in the 2nd century AD in Brescia, Lombardy, Italy. She converted to Christianity as an adult after she was baptized by Saint Apollonius of Brescia. She [Read More …]
St Nicetas of Pereaslav was a married layman, a tax collector, and later a monk in Pereaslav, Russia. He was also known as the wonder-worker or the Miracle worker. As a tax collector, he was [Read More …]
Blessed John del Prado was a Franciscan priest born in 1563 in Morgobresio, in Leon, Spain. He was sent to evangelize in Morocco by Pope Urban VIII after a plague killed the Franciscans who were [Read More …]
Hi my fellow Catholic Christians. We are sorry to announce that our Facebook Page, Catholic Daily Readings, Reflections and Prayers has been compromised through the account of one of our Admins. His Admin account was [Read More …]
Blessed Louis-Zéphirin Moreau was the Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec and the founder of both the Sisters of Saint-Joseph of Saint-Hyacinthe and the Sisters of Sainte-Martha. He was born on April 1 1824 in Bécancour, Quebec, [Read More …]
St Joanna the Myrrhbearer was the lay woman in the 1st century who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities by Jesus and became His follower. We celebrate her feast day on May 24 [Read More …]
St David I of Scotland was the King of Scotland from 1124 to 1153. He was the youngest son of King Malcolm III Canmore and Saint Margaret of Scotland and brother of Saint Matilde. He [Read More …]
Blessed Maria Gargani, also known as Maria Crocifissa of Divine Love, was a member of the secular Franciscan Order and the founder of the Sisters Apostles of the Sacred Heart. born on the evening of [Read More …]
St Julia of Corsica, also known as St Julia of Carthage or Saint Julia of Nonza, was a very pious Christian lady born in Carthage, North Africa. She was sold as a slave and martyred [Read More …]
The St. Benedict Prayer is a special prayer that follows the teachings of Saint Benedict, a wise and influential monk from the 6th century. This prayer is like a guide for a good and balanced [Read More …]
St. Blaise Prayer is a special prayer devoted to Saint Blaise, who is recognized as the patron saint of throat ailments. People often turn to this prayer seeking the saint’s intercession for protection and healing [Read More …]
St Alphius of Lentini was the brother of Saint Cyrinus and Saint Philadelphus. He was born in the 3rd century in Sicily, Italy and died as a martyr in 251 AD in Lentini, Sicily, Italy. [Read More …]
Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich was born on March 26 1901 in Bayonne, New Jersey, United States and died on May 8 1927 at the age of 26 in New Jersey, United States. We celebrate her [Read More …]
Blessed Sandra (Alessandra) Sabattini was an Italian laywoman who had devoted herself to helping the poor and disabled. She was born on August 19 1961 in Riccione, Rimini, Italy, and killed by a passing car [Read More …]
St. Cajetan Prayer and Novena are special ways for people to seek the intercession and guidance of St. Cajetan, a revered saint known for his dedication to helping those in need, especially in times of [Read More …]
St. Charbel’s Prayer and Novena are special religious practices that focus on seeking the intercession of St Charbel (Sharbel) Makhluf, a revered Maronite Catholic saint known for his deep spirituality and miraculous healing powers. Born [Read More …]
The St Dymphna Prayer is a heartfelt plea for her intercession, asking for courage, peace of mind, and healing for those facing mental and emotional struggles. This prayer has become a source of solace and [Read More …]
The Archangel Gabriel Prayer is a heartfelt and ancient invocation, a way to connect with the powerful Archangel Gabriel. Gabriel is often considered a messenger of God, bringing important messages and guidance to individuals. In [Read More …]
In the book of James, specifically in verses 13-20 of chapter 5, there’s a powerful message about the effectiveness of prayers from the righteous. James encourages believers to turn to prayer in times of trouble [Read More …]
It is good to say a school prayer for our children because they are a very important part of our families and society. We must protect them with prayers and other Godly ways from the [Read More …]
Prayer for Children in School Daily prayer for My Children Prayer for Protection of Children Prayer for Children and Grandchildren Friendship Prayer for Children Prayer for Children in Need Respect Prayer for Children Prayer to [Read More …]
Prayer After Communion holds deep significance as believers express gratitude and seek continued spiritual nourishment following the reception of the Eucharist. It is a moment of reflection, surrender, and unity with God. This prayer acknowledges [Read More …]
St Patrick was a fifth-century Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. He is also known as the “Apostle of Ireland” and is the primary patron saint of Ireland. He was born around 387 AD in [Read More …]
St. Peregrine is a special friend to those facing the challenging journey of cancer. As the Patron Saint of Cancer Patients, he holds a unique place in the hearts of many seeking strength and comfort [Read More …]
Welcome to the St. Philomena Prayer and Novena, a heartfelt and dedicated spiritual practice centered around Saint Philomena, a beloved Catholic saint. Philomena is venerated for her powerful intercession and miraculous interventions in the lives [Read More …]
St. Rita Prayer and Novena are special moments of devotion in the Catholic faith, dedicated to St. Rita of Cascia, known as the “Patron Saint of Impossible Causes.” Born in Italy in the 14th century, [Read More …]
This is a list of the basic, common, traditional and popular Catholic Prayers that every faithful should know and learn to pray daily. These prayers are very rich and when prayed with faith and a [Read More …]
Each one of us would like to remember to say a word of prayer on the birthday of our son, daughter, husband, wife, family, and friends. Below are several birthday prayers you can use to [Read More …]
Glory to God in the highest (Gloria in Excelsis Deo) is also known also as the Greater Doxology. In the Roman Catholic Church, the faithful sing or recite it during Mass immediately after the “Lord, [Read More …]
The Glory Be to the Father prayer is a short and powerful expression of praise in the Christian tradition. It’s like saying, “Hey God, you’re awesome!” In simple terms, when someone prays the Glory Be, [Read More …]
The Liturgy of the Hours is like a daily conversation between people and God. It’s a special way for Catholics, monks, and nuns to pray at different times throughout the day. Imagine it as a [Read More …]
The Guardian Angel Prayer is a heartfelt request for the protection and guidance of our personal guardian angels. It’s like having a special friend sent by God to watch over us. In this prayer, we [Read More …]
In John 17, we find a special and heartfelt conversation between Jesus and God, often known as the High Priestly Prayer. This prayer takes place just before Jesus faces his crucifixion, and it provides a [Read More …]
The Memorare is a heartfelt prayer in which we turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary, seeking her intercession and help in times of need. It is a plea for her assistance and a reminder of [Read More …]
In the quiet moments of our lives, when the weight of the world feels too heavy for a friend to bear, we find solace in the power of prayer. “A Prayer for a Friend Who [Read More …]
In the quiet moments of our lives, when worries, anxiety and fears seem to overwhelm our hearts, prayer for anxiety becomes a comforting refuge. It is in these moments of anxiety that we turn to [Read More …]
In times of surgery, we come together in prayer, seeking comfort and strength for our loved ones and friends undergoing medical procedures. We turn to the divine, asking for guidance for the surgeons and medical [Read More …]
The St. Francis of Assisi Peace Prayer is a heartfelt and timeless prayer that originated from the teachings of Saint Francis, a beloved Christian saint known for his deep connection with nature and love for [Read More …]
Pope John Paul I was also called Albino Luciani. He was born on October 17 1912 in Canale d’Agordo, Belluno, Veneto, Italy and died on September 28 1978 at the age of 65 in the [Read More …]
Psalm 86 is like a heartfelt conversation with God during difficult times. It’s a prayer filled with deep emotions, as the psalmist pours out their heart to God, seeking comfort and guidance amidst distress. In [Read More …]
Psalm 64 is a heartfelt prayer expressing the psalmist’s plea for God’s protection against deceitful enemies and treacherous conspirators. In simple yet powerful language, the psalm describes the fear and distress caused by those who [Read More …]
Psalm 17 is a heartfelt prayer found in the Bible, specifically in the Book of Psalms. In this Psalm, the author seeks refuge and protection from those who persecute and oppress them. It is a [Read More …]
Psalm 143 is a heartfelt prayer found in the Bible, a sincere plea from the author seeking God’s mercy in a time of deep distress. This ancient poetic expression of faith is a cry for [Read More …]
Psalm 140 is a heartfelt prayer seeking protection from those who intend harm. It’s a plea for deliverance from the wicked and deceitful people who plot evil. The psalmist calls upon God to guard against [Read More …]
Psalm 102, a heartfelt prayer in times of trouble, speaks to the depths of human distress with honesty and vulnerability. It is a timeless expression of the psalmist’s anguish and longing for divine intervention during [Read More …]
Psalm 7 opens with a heartfelt cry for justice and fairness, serving as a passionate plea to the Almighty in the face of adversity. Authored by King David, this powerful prayer reflects the psalmist’s trust [Read More …]
In the poignant verses of Psalm 55, a heartfelt lament unfolds, capturing the soul’s cry in the face of profound betrayal. This sacred prayer, attributed to King David, resonates with timeless anguish as it navigates [Read More …]
Psalm 51 is a prayer seeking mercy, repentance and forgiveness. In the shadow of transgressions, a soul humbly breathes, Psalm 51 emerges – prayer’s raw symphony. Sin’s weight, heavy. A heart echoes contrition, a melody [Read More …]
Psalm 5, a heartfelt plea for divine guidance and assistance, unfolds as a poignant expression of the psalmist’s trust and reliance on God in times of distress. This sacred hymn, attributed to King David, resonates [Read More …]
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